Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Post Not about Japan

When I sat down to write about Kyoto and shrines and candy filled with figs this morning, this note popped out of my diary:

E: That's the idea, let's abuse each other.

(They turn, move apart, turn and face each other.)

V: Moron!

V: Abortion!

E: Morpion!

V: Sewer-rat!

E: Curate!

V: Cretin!

E (with finality): Crritic!

V: Oh! (he wilts, vanquished)

I was thinking of that scene (from act 2 of Mister B's *Waiting for Godot*) because of the new Revenge Lit critic-killing flash fiction contest that Biblioasis is doing to support Terry Grigg's new novel, *Thought You Were Dead*. I meant to post that ages ago, cause it's funny and I think reflects the tenor of the contest (though I haven't read the book yet)...but you (and I) have until June 12 to send our entries. Deets at the link above.

In other non-Japan news, I will have a little Q & A about short stories for Short Story Month over at the the National Post's The Afterword on Thursday. I'll try to post a direct link then, but you know Japan... Or your could just read today's Q & A with Pasha Malla, which is pretty good too!

Finally, ok, one thing about Japan: it's 30 degrees here! I'm getting a tan, which is an unexpected bonus to everything else that is good about this trip! Oh, and that food I liked, in the picture post? Hiroshimamyaki (spelling=questionable); I had the Osaka version today, called Okanmyaki. Hiroshima rules, I think, but both are tasty.

Oh, and the deer of Nara are *out of control*--so cute and pushy pushy pushy. Thanks to Kerry for the day-trip recommendation. Shrines, botanical gardens, Buddha museum, giant Buddha sculpture, scary scary carp and adorable deer. And Okamyaki. All wins.

Well, that was more than one thing, but oh well!

Sometimes I think things are worse than they are

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