Saturday, September 13, 2008


Thanks for all your advice, guys--I really appreciate it. In case you were wondering how it all turned out:

1) I couldn't get the book Fred recommended from the library, but the search brought up something similar sounded, which I have ordered. I'm sure whatever I end up with will be disturbing, as it should be, but maybe I'm hoping for...manageable disturbance? So I can still fall asleep?

2) I love the booklet that Kerry lent me on recycling. You *can* mix paper and plastic and metal. You should put cut tin lids *in* the tins and then pinch them shut so the recycling collectors don't stabbed. You can recycle those round cardboard canisters that cocoa and disinfectant come in, but not the plastic lids. Amazing. There's even a picture. The booklet provides a link which leads to a much more confusing bunch of information. Try to get the booklet if you can.

3) Since the age of my olives was indeterminate but at least 8 months, I took the advice of Naya and Scott and almost everybody and tossed them. I miss them, they were a part of my life for so long that I notice the blank spot when I open the fridge. I miss them even though I don't actually like olives all that much, which is what cause of the problem in the first.

4) I bought a knee-length, non-black, non-constrictive new dress yesterday, but it is only good for a specific season (fall) and since we seem to be having all of them in alternation, I'm still not sure what I'll actually be wearing on Monday. But I am excited. And to get into waaayy too much information, the trial run on my hair didn't go so well. I now must take the bus looking like I've just received a mild electrical shock. Learning, learning.

As cool as I am / I thought you knew that already

1 comment:

AMT said...

... well, but canlit is all about mild electrical follicle shocks, no? consider the venerable locks of margaret atwood! they are pretty shocked!