Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I like

Am I ever going to get it together to review something? This is the extremely small question of the hour, which I mainly ignore. Until then, here are some things I've been uncritically enjoying.

Thom Bryce, of Free Biscuit fame, has a new play called *The Curative* being performed this week by the (pivotal)arts folks at the WriteNow! festival, in conjunction with three other plays that I haven't seen, but if *The Curative* is a fair sample, are probably brilliant. (Warning: *The Curative* is not for the faint-hearted, in terms of both sex and violence. The word "chilling" comes to mind.)

The joyful music of The Choir Practice. I don't know what I need more faith in, but this pretty music redeems it all.

Smoked tofu--it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page, but it's delicious (as tofu goes) and little known. Consider it.

Oh, and just to show I can dislike stuff, I didn't think Lars and the Real Girl was very good, and, worse, gave a simplistic reductive portrayl of both women and the mentally ill.

But really, who am I to say?

You look so good with a gun / but that hat doesn't suit you

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