Monday, March 3, 2008

Fair's Fair

1. What was the last Canadian book you recall reading?

Diana: A Diary in the Second Person by Russell Smith

2. Where did you find out about it, and where do you find out about Canadian books to read in general, if in fact you do?

I found out it was available again when the This Is Not a Reading Series launch was announced, but there's been rumours about this book for years. That's atypical, though—in general, I read on recommendation--I don't listen to every recommendation, but nor do I very often read without when.

3. Where did you get the book, and where do get Canadian books in general, if in fact you do?

I bought that book at the launch, as I wont to do if I go to a launch, but that's not that often. In general, I read books from the library or receive them as gifts. If I want to make a point of buying a particular book, I often order direct from the publisher.

4. Who is your favourite Canadian author? Bonus points--Why?

This is a fairly inane question, I know, I know--depends on the day, the genre, the mood. But it does give an idea when I say Munro, Pyper, Smith, Atwood, Rooke, Lyon, Copeland, doesn't it?

A thousand different voices,

PS--I'm using these answers to try to pull together something coherent to say at a CanLit-y panel tomorrow. When in doubt, ask your friends!!

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