Sunday, February 10, 2008


I mainly resolved to stay in this weekend and do work, but even the briefest of forays into the outside world seemed slightly nuts. The theme started on Thursday, when a seemingly inebriated man heckled Kerry and I as we walked into the subway station. We slowed our pace to let him go by, out of harm's way, we thought, only to arrive in the underground to find him threatening to shoot/be shot by some guy in a red shirt and running around in circles. I saw, for the record, no weapons of any kind. I can only assume that the fellow was crazy, and heckling everyone as he did us, and that he unfortunately found someone as crazy as himself with which to interact. I hopped on my train, eager to get away, only to be motioned off by eagle-eyed Kerry, who had noticed our mad pair boarding my car. The subway had to be briefly halted, and people like me sort of voluntarily evacuated until our friends could be located and, apparently, taken away in handcuffs.

The gunplay theme continued Friday, when a convenience store clerk stared at me in horror when I snapped by gum waiting in line. I thought he just was annoyed with my immature and unladylike behaviour (and, really, good point, why do I do stuff like that? I am almost *30*.) When I got to the head of the line, the guy explained he thought my Bubblemint burst sounded like a gunshot. (No, it didn't.)

I have actually been working this weekend, but I also wandered about in the warm slush (yesterday) and artic wind (today), had my pilates class stealthily switched for Nia, a sort of spiritual dance that, to the *ahem* uninitiated can seem, well, like a cross between dance that's too hard and dance that's too silly.

So, yeah, that's what I've been up to. I *might* get as far as the library and/or the movies this afternoon, but then again, there's that artic wind (see above). I might just hunker here in my cave.

Be well, and warm, and safe.

Talking to your little pets

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